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Tredagars konceptutbildning för 18 deltagare som täcker allvarliga anestesiologiska situationer och kriser.

  • Förberedelse inkluderar inläsning av TAASK-boken "Förebygg och hantera kriser inom anestesiologi" samt pretest.

  • Kursen innehåller åtta fullskalesimuleringar med återkopplingar ledda av utbildade facilitatorer. Förutom simuleringar ges CRM- och luftvägsworkshops samt introduktionsföreläsningar.

Course overview

  • Three day course: 12 anesthesiologists (mixed specialists and trainees with at least 12 months’ experience), and 6 nurse anesthesia practitioners / ODAs / anesthesia technicians.

  • TAASK Masterclass is held in Sweden through SFAI (Swedish Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care) and internationally on license from TAASK.


  • Full-scale simulations covering eight serious situations in anesthesia and critical care.

  • Advanced debriefing held by local and external faculty, who must have sufficient training in simulation and debriefing.

  • Focus on both non-technical and technical skills and knowledge.

  • A small number of interactive lectures and workshops covering CRM, difficult airway and circulatory collapse.

  • Standardized airway workshop that is also available as an open-access activity.

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